We are proud to advertise our first book.

An in-depth easy to read history of the two villages. (Rye House is in Stanstead).

Written by local resident and historian Ron Dale the book is a labour of love.

A collectors item of the future.

10 inches by 7 inches

208 pages including photographs.

Only £10 per copy.

Available from various outlets.

Please contact us for details or by post from the Society.

   With chapters on:   The Normans, why we are called Stanstead Abbotts, the building

   of Rye House, Royalty, the Baesh family, the Rye House plot to kill the king, the

   Feilde family, the coming of the railway, the Victorians, the 20th century, local

   industries, historic buildings, Easneye and the Buxtons, village inns, the River

   Lea and its bridge, origin of Saint Margarets, widow Margaret’s Thele, the Cowper

   and Pratt families, Saint Margaretsbury, the 1949 survey and the overlords of Stanstead,

   the book is a valuable and interesting reference to the local area.

   Also included are numerous photos of the village both past and present. Ron has

   done a wonderful job of sifting through all the myths and gossip and produced what

   is probably the first and most accurate account of the villages from the beginning

   of history.

   The writing is easy going and not in anyway boring, and the text is easy on the eye so it is designed for readers of all ages.

    This first edition will soon be a collectors item.